
samedi 29 décembre 2012

Converting photos very slow and high CPU consumption with Synology DSM 4.1

After the installation of the Photo Station application on my Synology ds413j, I transfer all my photos to the photo's folder created by this application.

So I transfer my photos to the NAS and then I can see the NAS CPU running 100% for a very very long time...

You can follow the "Conversion Progress" of the photos but nothing seems to be converted despite the fact the high CPU rate.

You can follow these 4 steps to solve the problem :

1) Enable SSH on the NAS.

Control Panel > Terminal > check the Enable SSH Service box.

2) Connect to the NAS (with a ssh client like putty or mRemoteNG) with the root account 

3) Edit the "/usr/syno/etc/thumb.conf" and "/usr/syno/etc.defaults/thumb.conf" files and comment or remove these lines : 

[thumb 1280]

4) Restart the service

/usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restart

Cheers !

8 commentaires:

  1. Hi, when i open putty and paste /usr/syno/etc.defaults/thumb.conf or /usr/syno/etc/thumb.conf i only get "permission denied". I have tried both to log in with my root account and admin account. What am I doing wrong?

  2. High Mahbod,

    You should connect as root...

    ssh root@YOUR_IP with the same pswd

    .... and open these 2 files with wi ...

    I put the lines as comment (not remove them)


    1. Excuse me: ... and open these 2 files with wi... How? (Sorry, I just tried the first time Unix at all while reading the hint here..)

  3. And it works well... my CPU is now only 13%

    Thanks to you Pierre-Alexandre Braeken...
    On other forums, you have to write a script...

    This solution takes only 2 minutes...

    1. Tried as above on my ds212j but nothing has changed? still 100% cpu . I have at least learnt about SSH connections a little about Linux, so no complaints. On the ds212j the file structure would seem to be the same and I have checked the file edits. Restarted the service and restarted the system as a last resort.
      Any ideas?

      Thanks Dean

    2. EDIT: All good after re-index of files. Thanks from me.
