Your manager wants to know informations about servers joined to the company's Active Directory and you want to retrieve informations with Powerhsell ?
Let's get started !
This script will retrieve servers informations in a CSV file like this :
"VirtualServer","Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard","VMware, Inc.","VMware Virtual
Platform","8 GB","2","","C:
14.47 GB / 39.9 GB - D: 23.48 GB / 100 GB"
"PhysicalServer","Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard","IBM","IBM System x3550 M4 Server -[***43*G]-","32 GB","1","","C: 33.36 GB / 100 GB - D: 373.54 GB / 456.61 GB"
"PhysicalServer","Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard","IBM","IBM System x3550 M4 Server -[***43*G]-","32 GB","1","","C: 33.36 GB / 100 GB - D: 373.54 GB / 456.61 GB"
$ADComputerProperties = @(`
$SelectADComputerProperties = @(`
$servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter
* -SearchBase
resources,DC=ad,DC=dieteren,DC=be" -Properties
$ADComputerProperties | select $SelectADComputerProperties
Foreach ($server
in $servers)
$hostName = $server.Name
$operatingSystem = $server.OperatingSystem
$serverInfo =
(Get-WmiObject -Computername
$hostName Win32_ComputerSystem)
$manufacturer =
$model = $serverInfo.Model
$displayGB =
[math]::round($serverInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory/1024/1024/1024, 0)
$ipv4 =
$serverDiskInfo = (Get-WmiObject -Computername $server.Name win32_logicaldisk
-Filter "drivetype='3'")
$cpu =
@(Get-WmiObject -Class
Win32_processor -Computername
$c_socket =
$c_core =
* $c_socket
$c_logical =
* $c_socket
$psobject =
New-Object -TypeName
psObject -Property
Name' = $hostName
System' = $operatingSystem
= $manufacturer
= $model
= "$displayGB GB"
= $c_socket
= $ipv4
$psobject |
Add-Member -type
NoteProperty -name
diskData -Value
Foreach ($disk
in $serverDiskInfo)
= [math]::Round($disk.size / 1gb,2)
= [math]::Round($disk.freespace
/ gb,2)
"$($disk.deviceid) $diskFreeSpace GB / $diskSize GB"
if($i -eq 0) {
$psobject.diskData = "$($disk.deviceid) $diskFreeSpace GB / $diskSize GB"
+= " - $($disk.deviceid) $diskFreeSpace GB / $diskSize GB"
$psobject |
Export-Csv C:\ComputerDetails.csv
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